Scheduling a consultation

Scheduling a consultation with one of our Solar Consultants is the first step in converting your home to solar energy. During consultation, we will discuss how the process works, what it costs, and what you can expect when it comes time for installation. Consultations are just that – an introduction to who we are, what we do, and how we work collaboratively to exceed your service expectations.

All of our Solar Consultants are extensively trained and experienced in working to understand each customer’s distinct needs. As representatives of LGCY, they will manage your home solar conversion with confidence and provide you with a seamless experience.

Creating a residential solar system design is unique to the house that you live in. Your local LGCY Consultant will work directly with you to create a home solar system that is efficient and optimal for your residence. Each of our Consultants are extensively trained to create home solar systems which will stand the test of time and provide you with clean, dependable energy.

We make solar panel installation a straightforward, efficient, and seamless process. After we obtain the required permits, work orders, materials, and contractors to install your solar panels, we will confirm a date to have our technicians arrive at your residence and begin the process. Each and every solar panel installation is managed by experienced technicians, most of which have installed hundreds of systems in your community.

The solar panel installation process is swift and can normally be completed in just a few days, at most. Then it’s just a matter of testing the system, hooking you up to the grid, and introducing your your home electrical system to its new source power.


This is it! Once your solar panels have been safely installed on the roof, connections have been installed, and connected to the grid, it’s time to activate them. This requires collaboration with your local power company. Then it’s literally a matter of transferring your power connections and engaging the system.

Once your solar panels are activated, you will be free to enjoy all the perks and benefits that come with generating your own electricity.

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